

I am very fortunate to have wonderful friends cum sisters pampering me and showering me with concern, wanna take this opportunity to say thank you all out there!

Not only learn alot of work related stuffs, also learnt new things about friendships.. letting go and of course sharing burdens...

Not to worry Jies! I'M THERE FOR YOU ALL!!!

Problems are in everyday's life, it's how we look at it and how we deal with it.. heartbreaks are not uncommon, sadness sometimes cant be avoided, disappointments are unexpected. We have gone through pretty tedious times together now, I'm glad to see my sister improving alot since last time...

Last but not least, DO NOT CARRY BURDEN BY YOURSELF! We are created to share each other's problems...

P.S - of coz my dear kept me sane in 1 piece, am grateful for that.. I will work hard for a better future for both of us ^^


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