Living in fear and darkness...
One could wonder why banks issue credit cards easily even though you know the customer never pays / never pay on time. They never think of the suffering families behind their high interest rates. In my opinion, there should be a strict rule to stop this problem once and for all.
My family too, has suffered from such a situation. Worse still, we can't stop the bank from issuing new credit cards to my D. The toll on us is getting worse, and the money? We never seen nor use a single cent... All we've been doing was just paying the minimum and continuing paying to keep our house from being auctioned off. Well, I will never know.. maybe one day I return home to see it being sealed off and I will have no place to stay. Thinking of this makes me really depressed.
If only I have more money or maybe hit the TOTO... I will definitely move out of this house which means nothing more than a sleeping place for me..
So something for greedy ppl that are earning their customers' interest right now, "FUCK OFF". I wish you know and see what's happening, I curse you feel our pain, our darkness and sometimes even desperation. Usually ppl who suffer from this are the families, not your customer.
If only 1 day I can break away from this chain of pain, I'm looking forward to that day... When our tears will stop flowing...
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